Woman with smooth legs laying on couch gently kicking a glass table

Written by Tova Rathbone, RN

Do you have razor bumps, unwanted facial hair, or stubble only hours after shaving? These are a few of life’s little (and not so little) annoyances! Whether you’re a gal or a guy, laser hair reduction may be the perfect solution for you!

So what is laser hair reduction, you ask?

Laser hair reduction is a permanent reduction in the number of hair follicles that are actively growing hair. Currently there are no treatments available that will guarantee 100% reduction but the average person (who is a good candidate) can expect a 50-80% reduction in the number of hairs after six sessions spaced apart by 4 to 8 weeks. Maintenance treatments will be needed upon completion of the six sessions.  Not all hair responds to laser treatments. White, blonde and light brown hair will not respond to treatment.

The ideal candidate has dark hair and lighter skin because the laser is attracted to color, whether that color is in the hair or on the skin. People with moderately darker skin tone can be treated but have a higher risk of side effects and will need to be treated with extra care and will require more treatments to get the same results.   It is not advised to treat very dark skin tone due to increased risk of adverse effects.

Do not do laser hair reduction on tanned skin or if you are planning to have sun exposure in the treatment area within 3-4 weeks before and after treatments. Sun protection is of utmost importance to avoid the risk of some adverse events.

Now that the long days of summer are fading this is the perfect time to come in for a consultation and see if you are a good candidate! This gives you time to let your tan fade so we can start treatments as soon as possible and get done before next spring when we will be out in the sun again (with sunscreen of course!).

Trust your skin care experts to do your laser hair reduction treatments and get ready for less plucking and shaving! Who doesn’t want that?

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