Examining mole with magnifying glass

Skin Maintenance- What to expect from your full body skin check appointment

We all know that skin cancer prevention and early detection is extremely important.  However, most new patients approach their first full body skin exam appointment with some trepidation.  The “unknown” associated with what actually occurs at these visits can be intimidating.  So with this post, I hope to show you that there’s really nothing to …

Before and after juvederm voluma aesthetic solution

My Day with Master Injector Dr. Mauricio de Maio, M.D., by Rebecca Reinke, PA-C

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend an invite-only Master Class Injection training course with internationally respected plastic surgeon, Dr. Mauricio de Maio, known as one of the true artists in the field of aesthetic medicine.    He essentially took us through a cosmetic boot-camp of sorts, where he randomly grilled the injectors …

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