KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”.
Kybella® is injected directly into the area of fat under the chin. One session consists of multiple small injections. It works by destroying the fat cells chemically and then relying on the body to remove the damaged fat cells gradually over time. It can be followed by some redness, swelling, numbness, firmness afterwards, sometimes for days or a few weeks. It usually requires 2 to 4 of these sessions spaced apart by at least one month each time.
Actual Patient
How Fast Does Kybella® Remove Fat?
Most patients will need a series of injections over the course of a number of months. Results are cumulative as each session removes more fat.
Can Anyone Have Kybella® Treatments?
The treatment will be well suited to the majority but is not advised for everyone. Patients with excessive skin laxity, prominent platysmal bands or other conditions for which reduction of submental fat could result in an aesthetically undesirable outcome are not good candidates. We can discuss this at your consultation.
What About Side Effects?
There are potential side effects with any injection. Kybella® carries additional risks when injections are not within a strict protocol. Common and expected side effects include post treatment swelling, bruising, temporary pain and numbness in the treated area. You will be advised of all potential side effects prior to treatment.