Firm and Tone Your Muscles

CoolTone is an innovative, FDA-cleared body contouring treatment that tones, firms, and strengthens the abs, glutes, and thigh muscles. When combined with CoolSculpting®, you achieve the benefits of fat reduction and muscle toning.  

Sutton Aesthetics is the first and only clinic in the region to offer CoolTone in and around Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska, as a noninvasive body contouring solution for active men and women.

Provider discussing options with patient
Actual Patient

How Does CoolTone Work?

CoolTone uses powerful magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology to trigger thousands of involuntary muscle contractions. It penetrates below your fat layer to strengthen and tone targeted muscle tissues rapidly and precisely. This game-changing, noninvasive muscle-toning approach conditions and firms the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in a fraction of the time of a regular gym workout.

Actual Patient

Sutton Aesthetics – CoolTone

How Is CoolTone Different Than CoolSculpting?

cooltone by coolsculpting logo

Unlike CoolSculpting, which targets and freezes fat cells, CoolTone bypasses the skin, fat, and nerves to selectively target muscles. Its unique MMS technology triggers intense muscle contractions your body could not otherwise achieve. CoolTone helps you obtain your ideal muscle definition and can be a great addition to your fitness routine. When combined with CoolSculpting, it can deliver optimal body contouring results.

Benefits of CoolTone


Treatment is safe and effective 

Quick, Powerful Results 

Takes your muscle tone to a new level 

No Downtime 

Get sculpted and go about your day 

Am I a Good Candidate for CoolTone?

Individual treatment recommendations and plans vary depending on your body type, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. Therefore, during your personalized consultation, our team will help you determine if CoolTone is right for you.

You may be an ideal candidate for CoolTone if you possess these traits:

  • You’re healthy and active.
  • You’re close to your goal weight with a lower BMI.
  • You have sufficient muscle tone without too much fatty tissue covering the muscles.
  • You don’t have excess skin laxity.
  • You have realistic expectations about what the treatment can accomplish. (It’s not a weight loss procedure!)
Provider Rita Walz adjusting settings on CoolTone machine
Actual Patient
Provider Rita Walz applying marker to outline CoolTone areas on patient's belly
Actual Patient

It’s important to note that CoolTone isn’t for everyone. Communicating your health history to your provider before having CoolTone is essential. It cannot be performed when the following circumstances exist:

  • You have a metal, electrical, or electronic implant/device such as a pacemaker.
  • Swollen, infected, or inflamed skin is present in the treatment area.
  • You have suspected or diagnosed heart problems.
  • You have existing medical conditions, such as malignant tumors, hemorrhagic conditions, epilepsy, pulmonary insufficiency, Graves’ disease, active bleeding disorders, or seizure disorders.
  • You’re pregnant.
  • You recently had surgery.

CoolTone should not be used near the heart, head, neck, or mouth, over the carotid sinus nerves, or around areas with new bone growth. Women close to their menstruation cycle may find that their period comes sooner or that cramping intensifies with CoolTone.

What Does Your Skin Need?

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CoolTone FAQ

What does CoolTone treatment feel like?

We apply a paddle-like applicator directly above the targeted area. You can expect to feel strong muscle contractions and tapping sensations during treatment. Sessions usually last around 30 minutes for each targeted area. Treatment isn’t painful, and you can relax during your sessions. Common side effects may include temporary muscular pain, muscle spasms, joint or tendon pain, and redness at or near the treatment site. Following treatment, you may experience soreness in the treated areas.

What is magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS)?

Magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) precisely and rapidly delivers intense pulses of electromagnetic energy to muscle tissues in a noninvasive manner. MMS penetrates the muscle layers, safely inducing powerful, involuntary muscle contractions. The increased muscle fiber engagement creates stronger contractions and more significant muscle toning and definition in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

Does CoolTone really work? When will I see results?

Even with regular exercise and training, achieving your ideal toned look can be difficult. CoolTone magnetic muscle stimulation triggers powerful muscle contractions your body could not otherwise achieve. While it’s not a weight loss solution, it helps you obtain your body contouring goals and can be a great addition to your fitness routine.

After treatment, you will notice a more toned appearance to your abs, glutes, or thigh muscles in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. Results typically improve with additional treatment; multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

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Dermatology + Aesthetics

Why Choose Us for Your CoolTone Treatment?

Are you ready to ramp up your results by toning and firming your physique with CoolTone, performed near Lincoln and Omaha? Book an appointment online or call us at (402) 484-9009 to get started!

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