IPL Skin Rejuvenation
What is IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light Skin Rejuvenation (photorejuvenation) employs state-of-the-art technology to return your skin to a younger, healthier-looking state.
As we age, small but visible signs of chronic exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet light appear on the skin: freckles, fine lines/wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin tone, redness or enlarged pores. With laser-like technology, dramatic improvements can be achieved with little or no downtime and with very minimal discomfort.
Before & After Gallery
Benefits Include
- Fading of brown spots
- Lessening of flushing and red appearance to the skin
- Improvement in overall skin tone and texture
- Effectively treats face, neck, chest, arms and hands
Schedule your Appointment
Ready to schedule an appointment with our team of aesthetic experts? Call our office at 402.484.9009 or fill out our Contact Us form and we would be happy to get you scheduled.