Written by Stephanie Sutton, M.D. –
Right here! We write posts for the Sutton Dermatology + Aesthetics blog to update patients on the latest news in dermatology and aesthetics. We have posts about timely topics such as preventing dry skin amidst frequent hand washing and staying protected from the sun. You can also check out our Instagram account for skin tips and new procedures.
Ask your dermatologist or physician assistant questions about your skin at your next appointment at SDA. Consulting a medical professional for your skincare needs is the best route. A recent survey study showed that many patients consult the internet and social media for advice in treating skin problems such as acne. However, in the survey “52% of patients who consulted social media followed advice that does not align with the American Academy of Dermatology guidelines.” Many online sources such as YouTube videos have commercial bias instead of promoting science. Make sure that your social media and other online resources are accurate and evidence-based.
Recommendations for accurate online resources:
Sutton Dermatology + Aesthetics website
– Check out the list of dermatology conditions such as “acne, eczema, shingles, skin cancer” to get more information.
American Academy of Dermatology Public Education
Stephanie Sutton, MD, is a contributing author to the Sutton Dermatology Blog. Stephanie Sutton is a psychiatrist and she focuses on wellness.
Smith, J. “Social Media Advice Wanting in Quality.” MDedge Dermatology. 2020 Jul, pg 14.
Yousaf A et al. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020 Jan 15. Doi: 10.111//pde.14091.
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