Written by Margaret Kontras Sutton, M.D.
I hope you have been enjoying our three part blog on pregnancy and its myriad affects on skin, hair and nails. Our final subject is Skin conditions occurring ONLY in pregnancy:
Dysfunction of bile secretion due to pregnancy:–In this condition there is an abnormality of the secretion of bile which is caused by pregnancy. Symptoms consist of severe generalized itching, and sometimes even jaundice. This condition resolves after pregnancy, however, it is important to identify as there may be associated increased fetal risk.
Rashes specific to pregnancy:–There are several rashes which are specific to pregnancy. The most common one is called Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy, thankfully referred to by the acronym PUPPP. It usually occurs in the third trimester of first pregnancies, and consists of an itchy rash noticed first in the stretch marks of the abdomen, then spreading to involve much of the body. The good news is that this rash is harmless to the fetus and the mother, however, it can cause severe itching and therefore be pretty miserable for mom. This rash resolves after pregnancy and does not usually recur in subsequent pregnancies.
There are other less common rashes specific to pregnancy. One of note is herpes gestationis, (misleading name because it has nothing to do with herpes) an intensely itchy and blistering rash starting on the abdomen and spreading over much of the body. This rash harbors no risk to mom, but there may be increased risk to baby for small size and prematurity.
Thanks for tuning in to all three weeks of Pregnancy and the Skin. I have really enjoyed reviewing the information. It has brought back memories (most of which are fond) of my own three pregnancies and reminded me of the miracle that it truly is.
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