Pregnant Happy smiling Woman sitting on a sofa and caressing her

Written by Margaret Kontras Sutton, M.D.


This week we will cover Skin rashes/tumors affected by pregnancy:

Rashes—Eczema typically will worsen with pregnancy, although a minority of cases will actually improve.  Postpartum eczema may worsen on the hands and the nipples due to the extra demands placed on these areas.  Psoriasis, on the other hand, typically improves during pregnancy, although 14% of pregnant psoriasis patients may worsen.  What’s more, the treatments used for rashes may or may not be OK to use during pregnancy.  If there is any question please contact our office.

Infections—vaginal infections are more common during pregnancy.  Warts of the genital area may flourish, causing concern for the baby to pass through the birth canal.  Also of concern for the baby is active maternal genital herpes at the time of vaginal delivery.  If transmission of herpes to the neonate occurs there can be serious problems.  Maternal chicken pox during the first trimester could become a problem, whereas shingles does not cause complications.

Skin tumors—blood vessel tumors seem to be stimulated by pregnancy.  One common type, the pyogenic granuloma, is a red to purple nodule which may appear on the skin or inside the mouth.  Skin tags commonly appear during the later months of pregnancy.  Both of these types of growths may spontaneously improve or disappear after pregnancy. Moles may change in color or size during pregnancy.  If there is any question about a changing mole please call for an appointment so that we may evaluate it for you.


Part three coming next week…..

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