Smooth Legs

Laser Hair Reduction

Margaret Kontras Sutton, M.D.


It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short months we will be baring our legs (and other body parts)in shorts and swim suits.  So for that smooth, care-free, hair-free look, NOW is the time to start with LASER HAIR REDUCTION.


Laser Hair Reduction uses a laser to target unwanted hair.  The ideal candidate is an individual with dark hairs, but light skin.  This is because the laser light is attracted to pigment, so if the hairs are dark, the laser will focus on the hair (the desired target) and not the skin (the innocent bystander).


This explains why NOW is the ideal time to think about laser hair reduction.  Treating while skin has not recently been exposed to sunlight is the only safe time to treat.  Otherwise even just a small amount of tan in the skin can lead to the laser being attracted to the skin and not the hair, resulting in possible hyperpigmentation or even other complications.


Since laser hair reduction will typically require multiple treatment sessions and since these sessions must be spaced apart by 4 to 8 weeks it is easy to see why NOW is the time to start.


Please consider our experienced, professional providers when seeking laser hair reduction.  This procedure has best results and fewest complications when performed by a provider with training and experience.  All laser hair reduction procedures at Sutton Ryan Aesthetic Center are performed by Physician Assistants or Physicians.  Call for your free consultation.




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