Poison Ivy and Poison Oak leaves


Summer can be a bad time for certain rashes. Due to the warmer weather we spend more time outdoors with more skin exposed  and therefore we come into contact with many different elements—sun, sea, flora and fauna. Over the next few weeks let’s take a look at some common summertime rashes:

—Poison ivy

—Sun sensitivity


—Heat rash

—Tick bite reaction

Poison Ivy—Many of us are allergic to the oily resin, urushiol, found in poison ivy and poison oak.  After contact with the skin an intensely itchy rash erupts in 12-48 hours.  The rash, consisting of redness, swelling and blisters can last up to several weeks.  Characteristic is a linear configuration caused by the path of the leaves brushing up against the skin.  Prevention is the best plan.  Learn to identify the poison ivy, poison oak plants and stay clear.  If there is a chance of contact, wash the skin, clothes or any articles with soap and water.  Be on the lookout for these plants when hiking in the woods, gardening or cleaning up the yard.

Watch for more blogs in the coming weeks on Spot This Rash–Summertime

This article was written by Stephanie Sutton, MD, who is a contributing author to the Sutton Dermatology Blog. Stephanie Sutton is a psychiatrist and she focuses on wellness.

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