Written by Margaret Kontras Sutton, M.D.
I was so inspired by last week’s blog by my daughter Dr. Stephanie Sutton that I decided to add some facts from the August 30, 2015 article from the Wall Street Journal article “Fight Aging Before You Age”. This article makes the point that aging starts way before we may actually notice it. For example, age-related hearing loss starts at age 25 yet we may not notice it for decades later. Another example is the progressive loss of muscle mass that starts in the 30s and may continue at a rate of 10% per decade. This may not become an apparent problem until the 60s or 70s, showing up as weakness, balance problems and falls. As Dr. Stephanie Sutton pointed out in last week’s blog regular exercise can reduce or reverse this process.
The same goes for skin aging. Of course the first step is prevention by avoiding the stressors on our skin such as sun exposure, tanning, air pollution, and smoking. But I also find benefit in actually attempting to reverse aging as early as in our 30s. We can accomplish this with medical grade and prescription skin care products and also with aesthetic procedures such as chemical peels, microdermabrasions, micro-needling and lasers. We also have many patients in their 30s who benefit from BOTOX treatments which is very effective at treating and preventing early wrinkles in the upper face.
Although we have satisfied patients of all ages, including those in their 60s and 70s, some of our patients with the most remarkable results are those who have started early with good skin care and procedures and who have stuck with the program. Obviously the sooner we can start to slow the aging process, the better. So why wait? Call Sutton Ryan for a free consultation at 402.484.0908.
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