Before and After Coolsculpting

CoolSculpting® – Revolutionary non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction is here!

Are you one of the many people who have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise? Abdomen, flanks (“love handles”, “spare tire” or “muffin top”), inner thigh and outer thigh are common areas of stubborn fat that, despite a good diet and exercise, just will not go away. And the older you get, the more stubborn the fat is…..right?? It can be so frustrating!

Let me introduce CoolSculpting®, the unique and awesome procedure available in our office to help you permanently eliminate that bulge! CoolSculpting® uses cooling technology that is FDA cleared for non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction that permanently destroys fat cells. Once they are gone, they are gone for good!! Patient satisfaction rates are as high as 90-95%!

We are proud and excited to say that we are the first and only practice to offer CoolSculpting® in Lincoln!

Who is a Candidate?

CoolSculpting® can be done on men and women with great results. With smaller areas of fat it is important that there be enough fat to pinch into the applicator or treatment won’t work, and for larger areas it’s performing enough cycles in the right places to get that ‘wow’ effect.

Does it hurt? Is there down time?

An applicator is applied to the target area using a strong vacuum which draws the tissue into the applicator where cooling plates are located on either side. Then the cooling is applied. There may be minimal discomfort for the first few minutes, but usually patients are very relaxed and able to read a book or watch TV during their treatment.

After the treatment, there may be some, tenderness or swelling, which resolve quickly. Mild bruising is common. You can typically return to normal activities immediately. I ran on the treadmill just a few hours after my treatment!

Source for information:

Our CoolSculpting® team members at Sutton Ryan are excited to help you sculpt your body! Call our office to schedule your free consultation at 402-484-0908.

– Tova Rathbone, RN

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