Written by Margaret Kontras Sutton, M.D.
As many of us have found out firsthand, pregnancy can have a profound effect on the skin. In fact so much so that we have organized these effects into three categories:
- Skin changes due to hormones
- Skin rashes/tumors affected by pregnancy
- Skin conditions occurring ONLY in pregnancy
I will discuss each of the three categories one at a time, in blogs over the next three weeks. So stay tuned.
This week we will explore Skin changes due to hormones:
Hyperpigmentation—90% of pregnant women may experience hyperpigmenta-tion of areas such as the areola, nipples, genitalia, armpits, and inner thighs. Also blotchy hyperpigmentation of the face, commonly called “mask of pregnancy” is extremely common and can also be seen in women taking oral contraceptives. The best defense is SUNSCREEN.
Hair changes—Excessive hair growth on the body to some degree is common, but don’t worry, it usually regresses by 6 months after delivery. Also increased hair shedding postpartum can be expected for months, even up to a year, so don’t panic.
Nail changes—Commonly seen nail changes include brittleness, ridging, and separation of the nail from the tissue below.
Gland changes—Sweating may increase during pregnancy. Oil gland production may increase but the effects on acne are not always predictable.
Stretch marks—These develop in up to 90% of women and appear to be unavoidable, contrary to claims made by various product manufacturers. Stretch marks start out as pink or purple and gradually become more pale after delivery.
Blood vessel changes—small blood vessel tumors may appear on the skin. Some areas may have increased blood flow, for example, the gums. Swelling of the face and eyelids may occur.
Come back next week as we discuss skin rashes/tumors affecting pregnancy.
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