Written by Margaret Sutton, M.D. –
Wearing a mask when in public is a way of life for us these days. Certainly we want to comply with health directives to keep ourselves and others safe, but wearing a mask covers up a large portion of our face, the part that smiles.
What can we do to smile through the mask? We can enhance and highlight the area above the mask!
For starters consider using Colorescience Total Eye 3 in 1 applied to the eye area every morning. Besides the wonderful anti-aging benefits, this product can improve dark circles, puffiness, and crow’s feet, while providing an SPF of 35 and a brightening, concealing effect.
Our microblading and brow specialist Molly can sculpt and shape brows to perfection. Microblading is a procedure that creates hair-like strokes in the eyebrows giving them a filled-in and natural look. With each stroke, pigment is deposited into the top layer of the skin which gives the color. Microblading is a great solution for natural-looking brows for those with hair loss and those looking for fuller eyebrows. You can see in this patient’s before and after what a dramatic positive difference this procedure makes.

Also consider using Latisse to enhance eyelash growth. You can have lush, luxurious eyelashes starting as soon as four weeks with full results at sixteen weeks. Come see us for a prescription and instructions on its use.
Since all eyes will be on YOUR eyes, don’t forget that you can relax or eliminate the furrows of the forehead and crow’s feet with BOTOX injections. An advanced injector can use techniques to even out brow height, open up the eyes, and lift the brows. Our expert injectors will customize a treatment plan that is best for you based on the features of your face.

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