Here at Sutton Ryan Aesthetic Center we are constantly evaluating new treatments, emerging therapies, and the latest devices to improve the appearance and well-being of our patients. We are happy to report that we are the FIRST IN LINCOLN to offer KYBELLA®, which is the only FDA approved injection to treat fat under the chin.
-KYBELLA® is an injected medication which causes destruction of fat cells
-It is FDA approved for the area under the chin
-Multiple sessions are required, with the average number being 2 to 4 sessions
-Sessions are spaced apart by at least one month
-Most common side effects are bruising, swelling, pain, numbness, and areas of firmness
And speaking of new treatments and devices, coming soon is the new applicator for our CoolSculpting® device which will treat fat under the chin. So soon we will have two options for treating the double chin. Decision, decisions. Come hear about these procedures at your free consult and we will discuss which one is right for you.
Call 402.484.0908 for your free consultation.
I am interested in coolsculpting for my chins!!!