A flatlay of foods: salmon, berries, grapefruit, avocado, and more.

A new study published in JAMA Dermatology showed an association between the Mediterranean diet and the severity of psoriasis. Patients who followed the Mediterranean diet had less severe psoriasis.

What is the Mediterranean diet? It is a way of eating that gets its inspiration from the cooking style of inhabitants of Mediterranean countries including Greece. They use olive oil and canola oil instead of butter. It focuses on limiting red meat, eating more fish and poultry, and eating plant-based foods including vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole-grains and nuts. They drink red wine (in moderation). How does it work? This diet has anti-inflammatory properties and focuses on foods that have healthy fats and antioxidants. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease and the diet has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Different areas of medicine have also noticed benefits from following the Mediterranean diet. The field of psychiatry has done studies showing the treatment of mild to moderate depression with the Mediterranean diet as well as decreasing your risk for dementia. The field of cardiology has shown benefits of reducing cholesterol and heart disease through the Mediterranean diet.

This way of eating can be delicious! Next time you are at the grocery store, plan a meal of salad, pistachio-crusted salmon, mixed vegetables, and a glass of Pinot Noir.

Recipe for pistachio-crusted salmon and salad: https://www.cookinglight.com/recipes/roasted-pistachio-crusted-salmon-and-kale-salad

Sources: JAMA Dermatology, Mayo Clinic

Written by guest blogger Stephanie Sutton, M.D.

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