Young boy scratching his head wearing a red polo

Written by Michelle Sitzman, PA-C

We are in the season of wearing hats and scarves and sometime we also get uninvited guests…LICE!

With news about “super lice” spreading, it is important to be aware of how to “RID” yourself of these bugs.


  • A head louse if a tiny, wingless parasitic inset that lives among human hairs, and feeds on tiny amount of blood drawn from the scalp. They multiply by laying eggs.  An adult female lays 3-4 eggs/day and the average lifespan is about 30 days.
  • Lice eggs (nits): look like tiny yellow, tan or brown dots before they hatch. Lice lay nits on the hair shaft close to the scalp where the temperature is perfect for keeping the eggs warm before they hatch.
  • Lice eggs hatch within 1-2, weeks after they are laid
  • Lice CANNOT fly or jump, but are very contagious – usually by head to head contact, sharing hats, combs or bedding linen.
  • Pets CANNOT catch lice or spread them.
  • In the past, kids with head lice were kept home for school, but now for most schools, the ‘no-nit’ policy is no longer recommended. Policies usually involve removing the child to initiate treatment at home, then the child may return to school the next day.  (make sure you know your schools policy)


Treatment should start with a safe, affordable, over the counter pediculicide that contains 1% permethrin.  (for children over the age of 2 months).  After applying this topical according to package directions, nit removal and wet combing should follow.  This treatment should be repeated on day 9, and again on day 18 if needed.

If resistance develops in the area or if the first line treatment is unsuccessful, your pediatrician or medical provider can prescribe medications such as spinosad or topical ivermectin.

All Family members should be regularly checked.  Children should avoid sharing hats, scarves, and combs to decrease the chances of transmission.


  • Wash all linens and clothes worn by person infested in hot water (130 F or higher) then dry on hot for at least 20 minutes
  • Dry clean anything that can’t be laundered, or put into an airtight bag for 3 days
  • Vacuum furniture and carpets and throw away vacuum bag
  • Soak combs, hair ties, etc in rubbing alcohol for 1 hour or throw them away.

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